best air purifiers that get rid of dust - best hepa air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-02-24
best air purifiers that get rid of dust  -  best hepa air purifier
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There are many reasons for our indoor dust.
Dead skin is considered a major dust problem.
People lose hundreds of pounds of dead skin every year.
There are a lot of tiny animals who like to eat from dead skin and leave a bunch of waste when they leave.
Now imagine that all the people and animals in your home have left their "dead skin" and now you will have a huge dust problem.
In general, there will be a large amount of insect feces floating in the air for any family that does not clean well, which will lead to allergies and a weakening of the overall immune system.
There are several air purifiers recommended.
They are by IQAir, Allen, and BlueAir ).
These air purifiers remove more than 98% of all particles in the air, such as pollen, mold, dandruff and dust.
They also have high quality features.
Here are the top 3 of the best air purifiers, with details of their performance;
IQAir health pro: The IQAir model is the best performing of all air purifiers.
After testing, when measured at the Air output, they have removed 100% of the particles and removed 98% of the particles in the room after 20 minutes of operation.
The IQAir model uses the HEPA filter.
They have been tested at all fan speeds and work well.
Alen A 350 and Alen A 375UV: both types of purifiers are tested to remove 98% of the particles in the unit and 97% of the particles in the room.
Both have the same HEPA technology, the difference is that the A375UV has a carbon filter and 2 UV lights.
The two units perform as well as the more expensive units like IQAir and BlueAir in terms of dust removal and pollen removal, but the price is very close.
Another advantage of these devices is the cheaper cost of having and operating filter replacements.
Paralda is the leader in green design and the first air purifier ever to meet RoHS standards as they are leading
The environment is free and safe.
Paralda removes 98% of the air particles in the room with air flow, which draws air from the back and cycles on both sides to improve air flow.
More and more air purifiers have been introduced from the market recently, which does help to remove dust from our homes and offices.
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