ask lonely planet: food safety in india - best air purifier for pets

by:Yovog     2020-08-22
ask lonely planet: food safety in india  -  best air purifier for pets
How careful are you about food and drinks in India?
Would it be better to finish it early and enjoy the rest of the trip? -
Sarah Bennett and Lee Slater of Greg Lonely Planet wrote: at least one dose of Delhi belly is impossible to complete the trip to India.
So far, diarrhea is the most common disease among travelers traveling to India.
In more than one case, the cause is bacteria, usually caused by contaminated food or drink.
By following some simple guidelines, you can reduce all the chances of turning to cream freeze.
Never drink tap water.
Bottled water is usually safe, but unless you know that the seal is safe, check that the seal is intact to avoid freezing.
Be careful when drinking juice, especially at snack bars, as they may have been diluted.
Choose the juice pressed in front of you to avoid anything stored in a jar or placed in a glass unless you are sure that the washing standard is high.
Don't be tempted by the glittering pre-
Sliced melon and other fruits, keep their sweet appearance in a regular rinsedubious water.
When you prepare your own food, peel off all the fruits, cook the vegetables, and soak the salad with iodine water for at least 20 minutes.
Iodine is the best chemical purifier, although iodine should be avoided for pregnant women and patients with thyroid disease.
The water filter should filter the virus, but make sure your virus has a chemical barrier such as iodine with a pore diameter of less than 4 microns.
Boiling water is usually the most effective way to purify.
Indian cuisine is one of its pleasures, but it can adjust your belly.
Follow the crowd and look for popular places, especially those visited by families, as these are probably your best choices.
Check the cookware if possible and determine how they are cleaned.
See if the cooking oil is clean.
If the jar or surface is dirty, or there are clusters of flies, retreat quickly.
On the street, if you're deep-
Fried snacks were put back in the pan before serving.
The usual practice is to cook some snacks and finish them.
If you heat them up, you can kill the bacteria.
If, or more likely, you are knocked down by the traveler's diarrhea and remain hydrated.
Liquid supplements such as Tianma are the best.
Antibiotics such as norfloxacin, cioprofloxacin or azithromycin should kill bacteria quickly.
First of all, these are essential.
First aid kit items for any Indian trip. Loperamide (
Such as Yimeng stop and Lopex)
Just a "stopper" and did not find the cause of the problem.
However, it may be helpful for long-distance bus and train travel.
Two friends and I want to travel in the United States for four months.
We are going to buy a car in Los Angeles and sell it in New York at the end of our trip.
What is the best way to make this purchase?
Can this be done online or is there a risk?
Can we trust an agent to help us or should we ask a friend for help? -
Courtney Shannon on a four-month or shorter trip, buying a car in the United States is usually much more troublesome than its value.
We have done it, although it took us two weeks to sort out a car and a week to shoot it at the end of the trip.
Don't buy it online. it's too risky.
If you have an American friend or relative who can provide advice and provide a fixed address for registration, licensing and insurance, things will be much easier.
The vehicle rules and regulations vary from state to state and are generally more stringent in California, and you will need a certificate of smoke in addition to everything else.
This is the seller's responsibility, so don't buy a car without the necessary paperwork.
You can consider buying a car in Nevada.
Just a few hours drive from the hotel, the process is easier than in California.
Lonely Planet's Thorntree Forum has a lot of detailed advice on buying a car in the United States.
Renting a car is far less troublesome, although you will be stung by high fees for getting off at different places.
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