ask hr: how to adjust from an office to cubicle; where can a small business find workers? - air purifier machine for home

by:Yovog     2020-02-18
ask hr: how to adjust from an office to cubicle; where can a small business find workers?  -  air purifier machine for home
Johnny C. Taylor Jr. , a human-
Resource expert, as part of the USA Today series, is working on your problem.
Taylor is the chairman and CEO of the Human Resources Management Association, the world's largest human resources professional association.
The questions submitted by the reader and the answers below Taylor have been edited for a long time and clear.
Ask your HR questions here anonymously.
Q: I have been working in this company for seven years and have always had an office.
I recently moved to a new team and this week I found out that I was moved to a very high cubicletraffic area.
What is the best way to express my concerns about the need for a different location so that I can stay focused, efficient and ready to succeed in a new role? —
KashleyTaylor: because we work most of the time, our workspace is very important to us.
Move from private workspace to cubicle-
Especially at a hightraffic area —
Can be a transition.
Consider how you can adjust your workspace to suit your needs. Sound-
Cancel equipment, such as white noise machines, noise-
Canceling Headphones, earbuds or fan/air purifiers is helpful for some people.
If this does not solve your problem, talk to your supervisor.
A quieter cubicle space elsewhere or adjusting your space with a higher compartment wall might work.
If not, you can observe and utilize unused spaces such as meeting rooms, interview rooms, or lunch rooms when there is too much noise and commotion.
Alternatively, you can ask your employer to work from home occasionally.
If you ask a question to your supervisor, please speak specifically and share examples of how your workspace affects your ability to focus and be efficient.
Reduced productivity, increased personal frustration, and focused challenges will all support your requests for different work spaces.
But don't ask only questions.
Share some potential solutions.
Be aware that your first solution may not be feasible, so there is an alternative that will show flexibility and commitment to finding the best solution.
No matter where you end up working, treat you with a positive attitude.
Q hr: How do I ask for a raise?
My friend became my boss and now knows my salary requirement HR: I want to retire.
How much notice do I need to give?
Ask HR: my female boss called me
A date worker?
Question: My niece owns a small business, she can't find a job vacancy, and the other two companies in the town have to send people from the surrounding community to work.
In our countryside, farmers can't even find farmers.
Where are the workers? —
Your community is not alone.
Businesses across the United States are asking the same questions.
Competition among skilled workers is one of the biggest problems affecting employers at present.
Smaller communities
Especially those far away from the big cities.
Face some of the biggest challenges.
There are two main competitive ways for employers to attract and retain talented employees.
First, create a compelling argument to attract potential employees by explaining and demonstrating the strengths of working for you rather than another company.
Second, we should include all parties, expand the scope of recruitment and increase new sources of talents.
Persons with Disabilities, elderly workers and retirees, persons with criminal background, veterans and persons without higher education are talent pools that have not yet been developed.
While degrees, previous titles and matching work experience are valid considerations when making hiring decisions, many companies still place too much emphasis on them.
I would also like to provide two unconventional solutions.
If the business is a service that does not require customer contact, consider a virtual employee who can handle the issue by email, phone or otherwise.
Use all available means to disseminate information about vacancies in these positions through local media, social media, personal contacts and networks.
If multiple parts are allowed for the role-
Time workers, looking for people outside the community who may come to the area a day or two a week.
If they work for two consecutive days, you can offer overnight stays, or rewards such as increased mileage or reimbursement of meals.
Have different ideas about who can fill the joband how—
Over time, the company will address this issue through focus and commitment, thereby increasing their success in recruiting.
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