ASK AMY: Sister leaves financial issues out to dry - where can i buy a boot dryer

by:Yovog     2022-08-25
ASK AMY: Sister leaves financial issues out to dry  -  where can i buy a boot dryer
I am the oldest of the three sisters.
I have been working hard all my life, pursuing my career, saving money, and having a second marriage with a successful man.
My youngest sister married a doctor.
Their family's economy is also stable.
The problem now is that our sister got married and gave birth to three children.
However, she divorced her husband and his child support was sporadic.
She always tries to make ends meet.
We are all in our 60 s now and her children are not at home, but she is still struggling financially because she can't build up a nest of eggs. My sister’s 25-year-old dryer died.
She was drying clothes everywhere.
I can help her easily, but she is not as frugal as I am.
She ate Botox and bought artwork and jewelry and overall her choice was poor.
I think I would feel resentful if I gave her money to buy a dryer and then saw a beautiful new carpet at her house.
I can't honestly tell her how I feel because she won't change and will just hide her purchase.
I felt very guilty because I was lucky and had no money concerns and she was drying her underwear in her family room. Please help.
If it makes you sad to see your sister drying clothes around the house, then you can treat yourself with luxury and make you feel better: give her a dryer.
You can ask her, "Do you want a new dryer because I want to buy you one?
"Then you bought a dryer for her to deliver and connect and be happy with this kind of kindness without attaching specific expectations.
Your generosity will not pave the way for your sister to make better financial choices in the future.
It will also not lock you into ongoing financial support.
The new dryer will only leave Davenport with your sister's underwear.
Recently, I invited a friend and his wife to spend a long holiday weekend with me at my holiday home.
My friend then asked me not to take my dog to my holiday home because his wife still felt the side effects of the concussion she suffered two years ago.
His wife is worried that if the dog jumps on her, she may encounter setbacks during her recovery.
While it is unlikely that I promised "Buster" to pounce on his wife and we will be extra vigilant, my friend made his request again.
About 30 pounds in size and weight.
I have been looking forward to this holiday and also to the opportunity to bring my dog with me.
However, I don't want this to look like I'm choosing a binary option for animals instead of humans.
Although I think it is impolite for my friend to make this request in the first place because he was invited to my house and my holiday --
What is the right thing to do now that the request has been made-you and "Buster" are package deals.
Your friend is honest about the impact your dog may have on his wife's health.
Any factor (including the dog) can interfere with her recovery and they are responsible for trying to limit the risk.
You should, in turn, be honest with them and say, "I'm not going to be on 'building on weekends, 'but I'll do my best to make sure he doesn't bother anyone.
It's up to you to decide if you can still spend the weekend with me;
I certainly don't want this to hurt Joan's recovery in any way.
"I guess it's really a case of making binary choices for animals and not humans, but Buster is your responsibility and he can't be long when you're with your friends
A gay couple reportedly clashed with their neighbors on a rainbow mat at their doorstep.
I can't believe your advice.
Why don't you advise third parties to sit down with all the people who are "frustrated" in friendship;
This effort has been ignored.
I don't see any need for mediation, but you're right. it might work.
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