as u.s. allergies grow, so does market for new products - air cleaner filter

by:Yovog     2023-01-22
as u.s. allergies grow, so does market for new products  -  air cleaner filter
Imagine breathing air that doesn't have much dust, smoke or other nasty contaminants.
Imagine that you have to pay thousands of dollars to do this.
More and more companies have introduced devices to reduce the stimulus in the air of their homes.
The goal of these products is that more and more people are allergic to dust, mold and pets.
At least a dozen companies are pitching expensive high-priced goods.
Air purifier.
Vacuum manufacturers are selling powerful, expensive machines that are said to absorb the smallest amount of contaminants.
DuPont has pillows that can withstand high temperatures
Destroy the water temperature needed for the tiny pests in bedding.
More importantly, there are at least eight emails
Order companies sell a series of counter
A catalogue of allergy products distributed to patients through an allergy scientist.
In frequent glowing statements, the Catalogue sells items such as "smoke collectors" Ashtrays and masks for any occasion (
Cold weather, heavy traffic, gardening or housekeeping).
Car manufacturers are also installing high-tech devices. Ford Motor Co.
It cost more than $100 million to advertise the car model with the "Micron air filter.
"Although there is no reliable estimate of the size of the Allergy Market --
Control the product, obviously nothing to sneeze.
Air purifiers alone sold more than $0. 25 billion last year, up 14%.
A leading directory company reported sales of about $20 million, up from 15 years ago.
"It seems like everyone who makes coffee machines is entering the industry," said Ken Kruger, chief executive of Chicago allergy asthma technology --based mail-order firm.
Manufacturers and retailers attribute sales growth to concerns about indoor air quality and a sharp rise in asthma, a chronic respiratory disease often associated with allergies.
"People are more of a closed consciousness --
Pam Green, product manager at air purifier maker Holmes, said: "Building syndrome is more aware of the dangers of lack of circulation and clean air . "
Few people will realize that there is no conclusive evidence of the benefits of some of the more expensive devices. The air-
Cleaner businesses, for example, have been plagued by exaggerated claims.
Ford and its advertising company, Young & rubmica, have resolved the Federal Trade Commission's allegations that they are hyping Ford air filters.
The FTC said automakers and advertising agencies mistakenly claimed that filters could remove "almost all contaminants in the cabin ".
On 1985, Young & rubmica resolved similar charges against a household air purifier claiming to "remove most or all of formaldehyde gas and tobacco smoke. "Many air-
Cleaning manufacturers use rating systems developed by Assn.
Help consumers solve their claims.
But experts say even cleaners who do not meet the manufacturer's requirements are of little use for allergies to certain families.
Nevertheless, the product attracts allergic patients who want to seek relief from itchy noses, watery eyes, or more serious situations.
Elizabeth Friedman, 37, packed her mattresses and pillows in vinyl to control the dust and run an air purifier in her bedroom and home office in the west of Los Angeles.
"These measures are the first line of defense," Friedman said . " He also takes drugs to control allergies to dust and mold that can sometimes lead to asthma attacks.
Compared to the equipment accumulated by some indoor allergy patients, Friedman's arsenal is not large.
A loyal email of asthma and allergy techniques
Beverly Hills orders customers to buy six air purifiers, two pillows and mattress covers for $300 each--
One for hotel--
There is also a mask that filters cigarette smoke on overseas flights.
According to government statistics, dust, mold and pets are one of the main causes of allergies, and an estimated 50 million Americans are allergic to them.
Although there is no exact data, experts believe that household allergies are becoming more and more common.
They blame energy.
Efficient buildings, with little ventilation and sedentary lifestyles allowed Americans to stay indoors for an average of 22 hours a day.
Experts have linked indoor allergies to increased asthma, especially in children.
Government data show that the incidence of asthma in children has increased by about 40% since 1980, affecting 4 today.
8 million young people
Together with 9
8 million adult asthma patients who form a fairly large allergic market
Control products are designed to help people control the source of stimulation at home.
The catalogue is distributed mainly through an allergic scientist, which is filled with a description of the device designed to control dust and moisture, from the humidifier to the mask to the molddetection kits.
To improve the credibility of consumers, several companies have established links with non-profit organizations. Air-
Cleaning manufacturer Honeywell has a tie
With the American Lung Association.
Holmes is associated with the Asthma and Allergy Foundation.
Dawn Marvin of the Washington Foundation says
The headquarters group was "bombed" by the company about the tie"
Ins, including DuPont's pillows and Clorox, have bleach that can be used to kill the mold.
"We are a good channel for consumers," Ma said . "
But there are several manufacturers in addition to allergies.
Norelco is introducing an air purifier specifically designed to filter tobacco smoke.
Holmes has launched a so-
Known as pink noise or waves.
"This is a completely eco-friendly product," said Green, product manager for Holmes . ".
In addition to gimmicks, there is a useful question.
Many of the latest products are allergic to dust--There are good reasons.
Scientists say the allergy is caused by tiny pests known as dust worms, which, unlike mold and pets, are hard to avoid.
They thrive in the driest climate and are ubiquitous in carpets, bedding and upholstery for families in Southern California.
Many allergens recommend mattresses and pillowcases, such as those used by Friedman, as they catch mites where they breed.
Certain types of vacuum cleaners are also useful, they say, because they can absorb mites from carpets and trap them in filter bags.
But some experts say air purifiers are of little use because mites are too heavy to float in the air for a long time.
"My personal bias is that they are almost worthless . "
Robert Hamilton, allergy expert and researcher at John Hopkins University in Baltimore.
However, the supplier of air purifiers promises miracles.
In its catalogue, the National allergic supply in Athens, Georgia.
He says air purifiers of a certain brand may be "handled ". . .
Allergic symptoms themselves.
"Allergic asthma techniques suggest air purifiers that are allergic to dust, because mites particles will remain in the air even after you have treated them. . .
Bedding with mattress and pillowcase.
According to the two companies, both companies have distributed catalogues to consumers through allergy scientists who have not received any compensation for doing so.
Experts say air purifiers are useful for pet allergies, as dandruff from dogs and cats hovers in the air.
"It is useful, but it has to run continuously and has the ability to cover the room," said the doctor.
Martin Chapman is an allergy expert and researcher at the University of Virginia.
Allergy doctor Pasadena said
Michael grafski: "Unless you have air --
The room is tight and once you open the door everything else in the House will be blown back.
"Experts are more favorable for vacuum cleaners that trap dirt in tight woven bags and use high
Technical filter to prevent pollutants from blowing back to the room.
A sign of demand growth is that Eureka is introducing a vacuum
The efficient particulate air filter is the largest consumer vacuum company. The allergy-
For a long time, companies such as Nilfisk that serve the business market have been in control.
"It makes sense for me that it will work;
A vacuum that can capture all particles can be a useful device . "
But Hamilton says the price of using a HEPA vacuum cleaner is as high as $500, "it's not a problem with basically covering mattresses and bedding.
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