Are power lines bad for you?: People first drew possible links between power transmission lines and cancer in 1979. Evidence gathered since then has been inconclusive, but new studies could provide a way forward - new electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-01-03
Are power lines bad for you?: People first drew possible links between power  transmission lines and cancer in 1979. Evidence gathered since then has  been inconclusive, but new studies could provide a way forward  -  new electric toothbrush
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Is the wire behind the wall and under the floor a sinister death trap?
Since 1979, when epidemiology Nancy weitheimer wrote a paper with Ed Reaper, an independent physicist in Boulder, Colorado, people have asked to answer these questions. Claims indicate that children living near the transmission line are twice as likely to infect leukemia children in further homes as the former.
Leeper and werthefeld, who worked at the University of Colorado's health sciences center, set off a protest storm when they first announced their findings.
Other scientists complained because the two investigators calculated the size of the magnetic field involved but did not measure it.
The public panic ensured the next further study, but according to Tony Barker of the Royal Harlan County Hospital at the University of Sheffield, the problem is still almost as big as in 1979, who, commissioned by the Institute of Electrical Engineering, reports on progress to date by the chaireda working group.
Buck highlighted three fundamental issues.
First of all, epidemiology research is unlikely to bring too much light to the problem, mainly because it is difficult to explicitly attribute the disease to a magnetic field rather than something else.
Secondly, laboratory experiments have proved that it is almost impossible to replicate the influence of the measured electric field on organisms.
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