are air fresheners bad for your health? - solar powered car air freshener

by:Yovog     2020-02-28
are air fresheners bad for your health?  -  solar powered car air freshener
Air fresheners sell like gangsters in the United States.
About 75% of American households use some form of housing, creating more than $1 billion in profits for the industry [source: NRDC].
In fact, as the market has expanded since 2003, sales have doubled to provide solid, aerosol and plugs
In a variety of smells.
However, the neutrals in domestic perfumes and scents are also negatively affected by their chemicals.
Environmental groups have repeatedly warned against the use of multiple air fresheners and have listed a list of pollutants they claim will threaten our health.
At the same time, industry delegates believe there is no risk in air fresheners. U. S.
Government organizations such as the Consumer Product Safety Board and the Environmental Protection Agency have not ruled on whether they should be legal, because there are very few studies on their health effects.
Research Report of the National Resource Protection Commission No. 2007 (NRDC)
The open debate intensified.
In testing 14 different air fresheners sold at Walgreens pharmacy, the study concluded that many chemicals containing possible developmental and reproductive problems, especially for infants [source: NRDC].
It highlights the presence of phthal salts, a chemical used by manufacturers as plastic softener and spices.
California and Washington have banned the sale of children's toys containing phthalates because they are related to hormonal disruption in additional animal studies.
Although the group did not call for the removal of air fresheners from the market, it triggered a wave of mixed reactions.
For example, Walgreens has removed its three general-brand air fresheners, which have been found to contain the highest level of neighboring benzene Ester [
Source: Meersman].
However, some people questioned the NRDC test program because it did not take into account factors such as the size of the room it allocated, the distance between a person and the product and the time they stayed in the room [Source: Master].
But the list of possible stimuli for air fresheners does not stop.
On the next page, we will introduce other violators and the natural ways to stop the smell at home.
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