apps to drive massive personal data cloud - home appliances suppliers

by:Yovog     2023-03-01
apps to drive massive personal data cloud  -  home appliances suppliers
Cape Town -
As people move more and more to mobile devices, the growth of smartphones and related applications will generate a large amount of personal data flow.
According to research firm Gartner, the use of applications will result in personalized data streams of 100 applications and services per user per day.
"Mobile apps have become the official channel for promoting content and services to consumers.
From entertainment content to productivity services, from quantification-
"From the perspective of home automation, there is an app that can implement anything that connected consumers may want to achieve," said Brian Braun, research director at Gartner . ".
By 2017, the company said, as the company uses the technology to drive engagement with customers, mobile apps will generate more than 268 billion downloads and $ 77bn revenue.
Appliance apps Blau says the massive data sets that will be created will fundamentally change the way people interact with companies.
"This connection to consumer services means that users are constantly collecting data through mobile applications.
This is their data as users continue to adopt and interact with the app --
What they say, what they do, where they go
This is changing the mode of application interaction.
The app "philosophy" will continue to expand to other devices, he added --
Just like the current situation of smart TV
When household appliances become smarter and connected to the Internet, they may run the app.
For example, imagine a refrigerator ordering food that matches the downloaded recipe, or a washing machine that can check the integrity of the clothes online and order a replacement.
Automakers are already trying cars that can book services on their own and have a consumer electronics show in Las Vegas
The parking lot was demonstrated.
"Applications will no longer be limited to smartphones and tablets for the next three to four years, but will affect a wider range of devices, from home appliances to cars and wearables," said Braun.
Wearable technology is one of the areas in which applications can grow explosively, but consumer acceptance and technical reliability are key challenges in the market expansion of wearable devices.
Security has also become a concern for those who adopt technology that relies on personal information.
"We understand that trust is the ultimate asset, and if you lose it all your business will be at risk.
We have to make sure that we are building customer trust at every step of the way, "Wal-Mart CEO Doug MacMillan said at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. "They [consumers]
He added: "They do want to save time, they do want to get information, but we have to provide it in a way that will make them feel comfortable and trust us as we move forward
Despite the challenges, Gartner predicts that wearable technology will drive half the interaction between users and applications.
"While wearables do not rely entirely on mobile devices or become slaves to mobile devices, this is a way for manufacturers to keep these devices small and efficient, so, the use of applications that are easier to maintain and update can significantly reduce the cost of the device, "said Blau. -
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