'Anti-shake' spoon allows Parkinson's sufferers to eat soup and ice cream again - affordable electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-06-15
\'Anti-shake\' spoon allows Parkinson\'s sufferers to eat soup and ice cream again  -  affordable electric toothbrush
An anti-
Shake spoon lets people with depression and disability enjoy their favorite food again.
The daily necessities spoon can detect and unshake and shake, making it easy to eat soup, grains and other foods that are difficult to manipulate.
The technology acquired by Google is for people with Parkinson's and others with tremor.
Scrolling down video-controlled hand or arm jitter is one of the first symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
But it can also happen to other healthy people, 4 out of 100 40-year-old adults
In addition, it is extremely difficult to eat, drink and write when it is serious. Cutting-
The edge electronics hidden in the thick handle of the daily necessities spoon can feel the vibration.
They then move the handle in the opposite direction to cancel the jitter.
Similar techniques are used in the camera to compensate for unstable hands.
The creator of the spoon, in San Francisco-
Headquartered at Lift Labs, it is said to have re-incorporated dignity and enjoyment into the meal time.
In the test, it reduced the vibration by more than 70.
A spokesman said the meal time brought people together.
This is not only the time to nourish the body, but we also nourish our spirit and relationships.
"The tremor, whether caused by tremus or Parkinson's disease, disappears from this experience, forcing people to switch to the basic tasks of diet.
"We have invented a spoon for daily necessities that can eliminate hand tremor and frustration when eating.
"We are proud to offer a product that allows people to control their own tremor.
"The 180 electronic spoon is not cheap-it does have 30, though --
Refund guarantee.
A customer told them how the spoon made them eat a bowl of grain for the first time in years.
Another reporter talked about how they ate "multiple bowls" of soup and grain without dropping a drop.
The handle is also scheduled to be fitted with a fork and key holder attachment with an electric toothbrushlike charger.
When Google announced its acquisition of Lift Labs, it said the technology could improve the quality of life for millions of people.
Google is investing more and more in medical technology. Its co-
Founder Sergey Brin has a personal interest in Parkinson's disease.
His mother has the disease and he carries a gene that increases his chances of developing it.
However, British Parkinson's questioned how useful the spoon was for the 127,000 British people with Parkinson's disease.
Daiga Heisters, head of education at the charity, said: "Most Parkinson's patients will only have a tremor when they have a hand break, so the technology does not help them.
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