amazon launches platform to build apps for "internet of things" - health care appliances

by:Yovog     2020-04-17
amazon launches platform to build apps for \
Amazon Web Services, Com Inc. 's cloud business, launched a service that helps customers build applications and connect devices through the cloud
Known as the internet of things ".
The company said the service, called "AWS IoT", will allow "things" such as factory floors, vehicles, healthcare systems, household appliances to be connected via cloud services.
Amazon chief technology officer Werner Vogel said at a corporate event in Las Vegas that the beta version of the service will be launched in October 8.
Amazon says the connection to the cloud will be fast and lightweight, ideal for devices with limited memory, processing power, or battery life.
The global market for the "internet of things", the concept of connecting everyday devices to the Internet, will be almost three times as much as $1. 7tril (RM7. 04tril)
According to the International Data Corporation, it estimates that by 2020.
Technology companies, including Google, Intel, Cisco Systems, Samsung Electronics and telecoms giants like Vodafone and Verizon, are betting heavily on the relatively new technology to drive the future.
Microsoft also launched an IoT suite last week.
Amazon says there is no minimum fee for AWS IoT, and customers who use the service simply pay for what they use.
The price will be determined based on the number of messages Amazon defines as 512-
Byte data blocks exchanged between devices and AWS IoT.
Amazon said it will provide customers with 250,000 free messages per month within 12 months.
Starting at $5 (RM20)
The company said it received millions of text messages every time.
According to Fortune on October 5, Amazon plans to announce the launch of cloud services.
The basic service of "Internet of Things.
Earlier this year, Amazon acquired a start-up for a development business --
Key platforms for tracking and managing IP-
Machines and other connected devices enabled. —
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