allergies? how to get relief from your seasonal symptoms - desktop hepa air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-06-12
allergies? how to get relief from your seasonal symptoms  -  desktop hepa air purifier
The pollen count for Amanda shuparker is on the rise.
Fortunately, relief is closer than you think.
Polar bears and Beach residents are not the only ones who should be worried about global warming: it turns out that 35 million Americans with seasonal allergies have been hurt.
"There are clear predictions that, as atmospheric temperatures and greenhouse gas levels continue to rise, the pollen season will be earlier, longer and subject to a larger MD who is leading a program funded partially by the Environmental Protection Agency to investigate the impact of climate change on allergies.
In fact, according to Bielory's study, the amount of pollen may double by 2040, as higher levels of carbon dioxide trigger plants to produce more particles in the air.
Thaw early as the temperature rises (
Witness 2012, the hottest year in the history of the United States)
The conditions for sneezing for a long time have matured.
But remember these five Sciences.
Strategies can help suppress symptoms.
Linda Cox, MD, said if the number of pollen in your area reaches 10 or more for three consecutive days, please act as early as possible, start using prescription nasal steroid spray Dean of the American Institute of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. (
Use the pollen tracker from the National Allergy Bureau. )
Steroids in the spray prevent the production of chemicals that cause two common allergic symptoms: nasal swelling and nasal congestion.
The medication takes a while to get started, so even if you feel good, it's wise to start treatment.
"Once the symptoms start and the inflammation starts, it's hard to reverse," Cox said . ".
It is impossible to remove pollen from the air, but using the right air purifier may reduce the amount of your breath. High-
Air Efficiency of particles (HEPA)
The filter removes more than 99% of pollen, dust and mold.
But shop wisely: the air purifier industry has grown rapidly in recent years and the imposter filter has entered the market.
Except for ordinary HEPA (
Some people think of themselves as "HEPA type" or "99% HEPA ")
Make sure you get the real thing.
Go out at the right time, as it is not an option to remain silent throughout the spring, venture outdoors at noon, when it is possible to erupt --
Ups is at the lowest level.
Trees and weeds usually release pollen in the morning, while the grass releases it in the morning and in the evening.
The wind is also important: on dry, windy days, pollen can cover a long distance, meaning that even if it starts counting very low near you, the pollen blowing from hundreds of miles away will still cause an attack.
In the Journal of Nutrition, the study of eating more yogurt found that people who ate 7 ounces of yogurt a day for one year reported fewer allergic symptoms than those who did not.
Other studies suggest that if eaten regularly, probiotics often found in yogurt may ease congestion in Birch and snow pine pollen.
The researchers suspect that by exposing your body to a "good" type of bacteria, you may increase the tolerance of the immune system to allergens.
Protecting ourselves during the allergic season is the closest thing we are to healing.
They introduce a small amount of allergens to your system so that your immune cells become numb and allergic reactions are reduced.
This is a big promise. -
A complete shooting process is usually included once. or twice-
Inject one to six months a week in the doctor's office and then five years a month.
However, the pressure will soon be relieved in the form of pills or liquid drops.
Two tablets made of grass extract performed well in clinical trials;
A pill is dissolved under the tongue for three years every day, just as effective as an allergic vaccine.
At present, the FDA is approving an oral liquid for weed allergy.
In the next two years, all three treatments are likely to go public. Keep in touch!
Check out Huffington post on Facebook and Twitter.
Huffington Post reports: The Top Ten "allergic capital" of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation ". " (
Check out the full list on their website. )
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