all’s not right with the country air - indoor air cleaner

by:Yovog     2019-07-23
all’s not right with the country air  -  indoor air cleaner
A 45-year-
The old woman from the village of Loni in Maharashtra walked into Pune's chest Research Foundation (CRF)
Complaints of breathing difficulties and severe cough
Doctors usually think of the symptoms caused by smoking. A chest x-
Ray seems to imply bronchitis, just like a smoker.
A thorough examination of her medical history found that she had never smoked.
Her condition was exposed to smoke and spent half of her life with juerha or wood
Stove for cooking and exposure to smoke.
It is often mistaken for asthma and chronic pulmonary disease (COPD)
On those who never smoke
Because this woman's case was finally diagnosed.
In many rural areas of India, there are more and more reports.
Although outdoor air pollution is no longer rare, the trigger is mainly indoor air pollution, the doctor said.
"We tend to think that rural air is cleaner and less polluted.
But this is basically a myth.
We have done several studies that show that pollution in rural areas is as serious as in urban areas, "said Dr.
CRF ha Limaye is a medical student and air pollution scientist responsible for the clinical research department of the general reporting format.
Of all the patients who showed signs of breathing difficulties and asthma, nearly 20% did notsmokers-
Chronic lung obstruction caused by excessive pollution
These patients are usually exposed to the burning of biomass, wood, and cow feces, all of which release extremely harmful particulate matterPM2. 5 —
It goes deep into the lungs.
There are also agricultural and construction dust and vehicle pollution in rural areas, which increases the chances of harmful contact.
Maintain the national clean air plan for watchIndia (NCAP)
The first mention was made of the need to establish a rural air monitoring network.
According to a NCAP document, air quality in certain rural areas around the world, especially in developing countries, may be more polluted than in some urban areas.
"The rural areas suffer from outdoor air pollution and indoor air pollution.
The main sources of outdoor air pollution are the misuse of pesticides/sprays and the burning of wheat and rice straw.
Compared with urban areas, the atmospheric ozone concentration in rural areas is higher.
Compared with outdoor air pollution, indoor air pollution puts more people around the world at risk for health . "
It is recommended to set up 50 air monitoring stations in rural areas.
"Many rural families lack good ventilation.
Therefore, the exposure of some houses in some villages may be very high.
However, the situation of each family and each village is different . "
Rakesh Kumar, National Institute of Environmental EngineeringNEERI), Hyderabad.
Emissions include carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, oxides of nitrogen and ozone, and particulate matter, he said.
Influential Doctors say the trickiest aspect of dealing with these cases is the lack of clear treatment.
"The only thing we can provide is to reduce the symptoms of the patient and suggest preventive measures such as avoiding exposure to contaminants," said Dr . "Limaye.
Experts say the harmful effects of pollution can even occur in newborns.
A 2009 issue of The Lancet article mentions a study in Guatemala that shows that, the baby born by the mother exposed to open fire biomass smoke is 60 grams lighter than the baby exposed to pollutants from the Chimney stove or gas.
The article also points out that indoor air pollution caused by burning wood, animal feces and other biofuels is the main factor causing serious pollutionrespiratory-
Tract infection is the leading cause of child deaths in developing countries.
"This infection accounts for 20% of the deaths of 12 million children under 5 years of age each year, accounting for about 10% of perinatal deaths," it said . ".
Chest doctor
Kuntal Pal, based in Mumbai, said the effects of exposure to air pollution could be acute or chronic.
"In acute cases, the patient is presented with acute bronchitis, cough and cold.
However, this can be reversed through proper medication, "he said.
As a result of persistent exposure to pollution, chronic cases are characterized by chronic bronchitis, asthma, or lung clearance.
These patients undergo structural changes in the lungs, resulting in difficulty breathing and require long-term treatmentterm treatment. jyoti. s@thehindu. co.
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