alberta retail sales surge past pre-recession levels - personal care appliances

by:Yovog     2022-12-03
alberta retail sales surge past pre-recession levels  -  personal care appliances
Albertans are spending again, a figure they have never seen since the recession.
"Alberta's retail sales have now surpassed late's level before world oil prices fell in 2014," Statistics Canada said in a release of its latest spending data on Tuesday . ".
Sales in June grew by a percentage point on a seasonally adjusted basis, marking a 10-fold monthly increase in the past 11 months.
Meanwhile, unadjusted sales figures for June and 5 were the highest recorded in the province, exceeding $7 per month. 4 billion.
These numbers are welcome news for developersto-
Open New Horizons mall in northern Calgary.
"The perfect timing, the perfect news, the good news at the mall," said Eli Swirsky, president of Torgan Group . ".
The mall is an apartment-
Style concept for each supplier to buy their own space and pay monthly fees.
The growth in cars, parts and more Alberta was led by an increase in spending on cars and parts, a total increase of $2.
In June 3, 90 billion, an increase of 24.
1 cent more than the previous year.
Sales of cars and trucks in Alberta surged to nearly 3-
According to Statistics Canada, this year's high spending on electronics and appliances, construction and garden supplies, health and personal care and general retailer goods has increased by more than ten per cent compared to June 2016.
The only retail category that did not grow was furniture and household items, with sales down by 3.
6% from the same period last year.
"We are very pleased to say that more than 500 of the New Horizons attractions, including shops and restaurants, have been sold.
The mall is scheduled to open on the 3 Th.
"When we launched the concept in Calgary, we were looking forward to a positive response and we were very happy when we got the concept.
Todd Hirsch, an economist at ATB financial, expects the economy to rebound gradually in the next few years.
"So in the long run, this may be the best time to start entering the market," he said . ".
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