air quality plummets in metro vancouver as wildfire smoke blankets south coast - air cleaner

by:Yovog     2020-02-01
air quality plummets in metro vancouver as wildfire smoke blankets south coast  -  air cleaner
On Monday, the wildfire smoke covering the Vancouver Metro grew stronger and the risk of air quality health reached the highest rating in some areas.
According to B. C.
Air quality data map, Bennabi, Vancouver, North Vancouver, gaoguilin, Maple Ridge and other parts of the North-East and North-West Metro Subway, as of 11 a, there are 10m. PT. Monday.
Grade 10 means that health risks are very high and there is a high concentration of fine particulate matter in the air, according to giulianston, air quality planner at Vancouver Metro.
"Of course, the conditions are not good," guest host Saxony of the earlier version told ReneeFilippone.
"Of course, when I walked outside and the fine particles were high, I found myself coughing, which really made you feel, maybe I need to take more steps to keep a cleaner space.
"The province recommends that ordinary people reduce or reschedule strenuous outdoor activities, especially if you have symptoms such as cough and throat irritation.
Children and the elderly are advised to avoid all outdoor sports.
On Monday morning at an outdoor football camp in downtown Vancouver, parents were told about health risks and were allowed to take their children away from the camp.
But Steve Weston, head coach of the Vancouver Sports Football Club, said all parents chose to let their children play.
However, the afternoon training camp for older athletes was canceled because the focus was on team training, fitness and agility.
"They tend to be older players and they want to work hard," Weston said . ".
"We will re-evaluate this evening and tomorrow morning to see if we do the same, or if we speed it up, or if the air quality gets worse, we will cancel it completely.
"The flight has been around for a week since the Vancouver Metro released air quality consultation, and according to cbcmeteor scientist johannawag, the smoke on the southern coast may continue to be very strong in the next few days.
Hong Kong Airlines said on Monday that flights to and from Vancouver Nanaimo, Tofino and Whistler were affected by low visibility.
Flights at several airports in B over the weekendC.
The hotel interior and westkotenayregions were canceled or delayed due to smoking.
For those who want to stay away from the smoke, air-conditioned indoor space is often the cleanest air, says Saxton.
"There is a lot of air in the place we are talking about, they may have air conditioning, they may be cool environments.
Shopping center, community center, swimming pool, etc.
Is the mask worth it?
Although surgical masks may give people a sense of security, they are not an effective filter for fine particles, which are small and "can go deep into the lungs," said Saxton ".
"However, pharmacist Kunakar pou said that some respirator masks can work for certain people if they have potential health conditions or have to work outdoors.
"But I think the best thing to do is to stay inside as much as possible," Pou said . ".
The mask labeled "N95" can filter out some particles, but it is unlikely that people without breathing or lung problems will need it, Pou said.
According to a study cited by Vancouver Coast Health spokesman Tiffany Akins, portable air purifiers can reduce particle concentrations by 40-80 at home.
The use of portable air purifiers is linked to better lung function, lower blood pressure and reduced inflammation in children and adults, she said.
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