air purifier vs. humidifier - indoor air purifier

by:Yovog     2019-07-05
air purifier vs. humidifier  -  indoor air purifier
The air purifier and humidifier have different functions.
The air purifier is a clean indoor air, but there is nothing to do about the indoor humidity level.
They remove dust and smoke from the air, as well as allergic substances such as animal dandruff and pollen.
The humidifier adds water to the air but is not clean.
They are used to alleviate health problems in dry air and help reduce static electricity at home.
Air purifiers remove particles and other pollutants from indoor air.
There are two main types of air purifiers: purifiers that use mechanical filters to separate particles and purifiers that use electrostatic methods to capture charged particles.
Ion generators that produce negative ions generate negative electricity on suspended particles, then settle down from the air and stick to the next surface they touch, where they can be wiped.
Some air purifiers have been found to produce ozone, which is associated with respiratory inflammation and worsening asthma symptoms.
UV or UV air purifiers can kill bacteria and other pathogens and are commonly used in hospitals and day care centers.
Mechanical air filters mechanical air purifiers for residential HVAC units also provide UV purification, using filters to remove relatively large air pollutants such as dust and pet dandruff from the air.
Filters are usually made of foam, discounted paper or polyester or other synthetic materials.
An efficient particulate air filter, commonly known as HEPA, capable of removing 99.
97% of particles in the air
The HEPA filter removes extremely small particles, but does not remove the odor.
The air purifier can combine the HEPA filter with the charcoal filter to help reduce the smell.
The humidifier adds water to the indoor air, increasing the relative humidity of the indoor environment.
Dry winter air can cause skin to dry and cause respiratory problems.
Adding moisture to the air with a humidifier can reduce dry skin and reduce breathing problems, including reducing cough.
Increasing humidity in indoor air can also reduce static electricity to prevent cracking of wooden furniture.
Type of humidifier four main types of humidifier is ultrasonic, impeller-
Steam vaporizer and steam vaporizer.
Both ultrasonic and impeller humidifiers create cool fog.
The ultrasonic models are quiet because they use ultrasonic waves to create fog, while the impeller models use rotating discs that generate noise.
The evaporation humidifier uses a fan to vaporize the water into the air, and it is also a cold humidifier.
The steam vaporizer produces warm fog by heating water with electrical components.
Some models allow fog to cool slightly before leaving the machine, known as a warm mist humidifier.
Humidifier problem the stagnant water in humidifier can become the home of all kinds of bacteria, mold and fungus.
When the humidifier is turned on, these creatures are released into the air of your home and breathing them can cause problems in the lungs and even infection.
In the past, the disinfectant used with the humidifier also created problems.
The minerals in the humidifier water tank can be released into the air, in which they precipitate into fine white dust.
It is easy to produce minerals by using a humidifier heated to evaporate water --
On the heating element, the filter in the evaporation humidifier can also hold bacteria and mold.
You have to keep the humidifier clean and you need to descale them once in a while to remove the mineral ingredientsup.
Reviewer: Tom Iarocci, M. D.
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