air cleaner as few vehicles run - portable air cleaner

by:Yovog     2020-06-18
air cleaner as few vehicles run  -  portable air cleaner
New Delhi: 5-
A few hours of km extension may be too limited to have any noticeable impact on Delhi's air quality, but on Thursday the capital ushered in its first car-free day, this does prove that road traffic has an adverse effect on the atmosphere.
The measured contaminants decreased significantly, although the main reason was that the day was due to the holiday of Dussehra, and the traffic was scarce.
Center for Science and Environment (CSE)
PM 2 was found to decrease by 62%. 5 (
Fine, breathing particle measurement 2.
Below 5 microns)
Compared with the level measured in October 21 (Wednesday).
CSE monitors the span between Red Fort and Bagwan Darth Marr with portable air quality monitoring equipment in both angels.
According to CSE, the device monitors exposure and captures that roadside pollution caps are directly affected by vehicle emissions.
Research system for air quality and weather forecast (SAFAR)
19, according to the Ministry of Earth science.
The average PM 2 fell 5%.
Level 5 between seven o'clock A. M. and 11 in the last six days. 30 am.
"In Delhi, fossil fuel emissions account for about 35% of PM 2.
5 emissions, today's restrictions must have reduced a small part of this number, "said Gufran Beig, project director at SAFAR.
"Emission factor of PM 2.
5 from diesel is 7-
It's 9 times higher than gasoline, so if we have diesel, the result may be better
He added.
Greenpeace India reported a similar drop in pollutant levels, with pm2. 5 levels of 172 micrograms per cubic meter.
On the streets, 428 micrograms per cubic meter, which was recorded the day before.
Government agencies also reported a drop, with the Delhi Pollution Control Commission finding a 45% drop in PM 2.
There are five levels compared to October 21.
However, the data from the Central Pollution Control Commission is insufficient because it does not have a monitoring station in Ito
Make the assessment difficult.
The numbers clearly show one thing: less cars mean less pollution.
As CSE said in a statement on Thursday, "by implementing the car
A free day, when car sales are already low, to choose a national holiday for it, the Delhi government has proved that at least one person died every hour in an air pollution, in cities where the lungs of every three children are damaged, reducing the number of cars can significantly reduce pollution.
"Experts now believe that this initiative should be supported by a strong policy to limit the number of road vehicles in Delhi. “While a car-
The free day of each month helps raise public awareness and the government will have to use this to take tough steps to expand alternatives and limit the use of cars on a daily basis, CSE said: "expand the integrated public transport system immediately, walk safely and ride bicycles, and limit legal parking. ".
CSE added that in just one year between 2013 --14 and 2014-
On the 15 th, vehicle registration in Delhi increased by 14%.
"Car transportation will increase by 2021 to 106.
The passenger capacity of the bus grew at the slowest rate of 28% . "
It suggests that the government can take advantage of the benefits of this car.
"Take tough measures to expand alternatives, limit the use of cars on a daily basis, and immediately expand the integrated public transport system, safe walking and cycling, and limit legal parking. ” A car-
The recent Freedom Day in Paris has improved air quality, similar to a notice in Delhi, even if restrictions on vehicles are placed only in the third limit in the French capital city.
According to media reports, Airparif, which measures pollution levels in the French capital, said carbon dioxide levels in parts of the city fell by about 40% that day.
Beijing and Bangkok also watch cars
Encourage free days to improve air quality and reduce road congestion.
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