After the flood, the monster that grows like ‘the Blob’ — and doesn’t die - desktop air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-06-10
After the flood, the monster that grows like ‘the Blob’ — and doesn’t die  -  desktop air purifier
Heavy rains from Hurricane Harvey flooded towns in Texas, but the storm finally left a threat: mold.
As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and many Texans can now prove, fungi can start to grow and invade a family only 24 hours after heavy rain.
"Mold almost immediately appeared," said Alan Tilotson, of the Cypress community 25 miles northwest of downtown Houston.
He and his wife Vicky returned to their community after fleeing Harvey for most of last week.
They began to pull off the dry wall and found a large black circle behind the dry wall.
"We saw it grow on the material that was removed.
The goal is to get all the wet stuff out before it becomes a science experiment.
"In every gap and corner of walls, furniture, clothes and every soaked property, mold will not only damage families and businesses, but also affect human health.
Exposure can cause problems with nasal congestion, eye discomfort, cough, or respiratory system.
Mold is everywhere because it breeds and spreads through pollen
Like spores, it is light weight and easy to spread in the air, thus exposing people through inhalation and skin contact.
Make the situation more complicated: these spores can last for a long time.
In fact, all molds require moisture, oxygen, growing surfaces and food sources to survive and thrive.
The mold is made of dead, wet organic matter, including leaves, wood, cloth, paper, and even dust.
The spore is smaller than the head of the needle and can be hung in the air for several hours
Where they can be breathed or ingested.
The dead spores still contain allergens and therefore affect health, which is why it is not enough to kill mold.
It must be removed.
Tillotson said he and his wife have not had any adverse effects so far.
They quickly ventilated the room, opened the window and opened the fan.
They have removed the drywall and removed the studs and hardwood floors.
"The water came too fast," he recalled on Tuesday . ".
"We don't know how high it will be.
If I had to do it again, I would have moved away.
"Method to remove the running range of the mold.
It's simple, just like scrubbing with a fungus killer containing bleach and water.
There are also complex, which may include wet vacuuming or high vacuuming
Efficient air purifier
However, Nick Gromico, founder and mold expert of the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors, believes that some victims of Hurricane Harvey may never be able to remove all molds.
"Mold can be hidden behind walls where no spores are detected and mold can grow rapidly in a few days," he said . ".
"The mold is actually a monster, it grows like the old-fashioned movie spots.
It won't die.
If it has food and water, it will live forever.
"Thousands of families and businesses along the Gulf Coast of Texas have been unable to reach for several days --
May not be able to live for weeks or months.
Many buildings may not be rescued, Gromico said.
"In places where water has accumulated in the home for a long time, the solution to most mold problems will be bulldozers," he warned . ".
"These houses will have to be razed to the ground.
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