advertising; marschalk to handle braun appliance line - personal care appliances

by:Yovog     2020-06-25
advertising;   marschalk to handle braun appliance line  -  personal care appliances
DOUGHERTYMARCH 1985 this is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before its online publication began in 1996.
To keep these articles as they appear initially, the Times will not change, edit, or update them.
There are occasional copywriting errors or other problems during the digitization process.
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Marschalk was appointed as an advertising company for Braun USA, a home and personal care appliance marketing company in western Germany.
According to the agency, the annual budget is expected to reach $10 million to $15 million in two years.
The appliances were made by Braun. G.
Subsidiary of Boston
Based in Gillette, which dominates wetshave market.
The first advertising effort for the Razak will be for the Braun electric shaver because of the 20-
The annual antitrust ban imposed by the US government has recently run out.
Marschalk is one of the group of Interpublic companies.
A version of this article was printed on page D00010 of the National edition on March 11, 1985 with the title: advertising;
Maschalke, who handles Braun's electrical production line.
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