a gallery has just opened showing artworks drawn using ink made from air pollution - air cleaner

by:Yovog     2020-01-28
a gallery has just opened showing artworks drawn using ink made from air pollution  -  air cleaner
The problem of air pollution in London is the crisis.
Open any newspaper now and you may be mistaken that we all have a risk of dying from asthma.
However, the fact is that our city is polluted in danger-we have exceeded the statutory limits for air pollution this year.
Very depressed.
But that doesn't mean that people are not trying to do anything about it.
Tiger beer and ANI rud Sharma
The founder of Graviky Labs has just partnered to build the world's first clean air gallery, which will feature the art of air pollution.
It will include works by artists from the five most polluted cities in the UK: London, Leeds, Glasgow, Southampton and Nottingham.
Each artist will present the art created using anirudh'sair
Ink™Each piece will be donated to the local community.
Graviky's technology claims to be able to capture up to 95% of carbon soot from diesel exhaust-preventing it from entering the atmosphere.
Into the air-Ink™.
If each of London's 22,000 black taxis has a unit of Graviky installed, the company says their technology can provide up to 30 trillion liters of clean air to Londoners every year.
Growing up in India, first experience the effects of air pollution
"The hand has prompted me to figure out how to turn this harmful pollution into something useful-purified, safe ink," Anirudh said . ".
Now, see works of art created with air
Ink™Exhibiting in the UK is really an exciting step for me and my team.
The cooperation with the tiger is the perfect fusion of technology, science and art, making our technology further than I thought.
"The next step in the air --
Ink™Journey will work with cities like London to help scale up technology and have a positive impact.
From today until Wednesday, Brixton's gallery will be open, with air pollution in the area exceeding the annual limit of 2017 days.
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