a close look at lg's signature series - premium 4k oled hdr tv and home appliances - auto air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-05-30
a close look at lg\'s signature series - premium 4k oled hdr tv and home appliances  -  auto air purifier
At CES 2016, LG presents the brand new super premium series marked with signature series.
It consists of an amazing iconic 4 k oled TV with only 2 panels.
57mm thin, a powerful and practical washing machine with 20-
Its motors, stylish and modern refrigerators and air purifiers are guaranteed for one year. We line-
Photos of these upcoming new products.
LG's new signature refrigerator contains innovative features you 've always wanted, such as automatic door opener and door openeron Door-in-
The door function of knocking on the opaque glass makes it transparent!
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