'88 finishing touches : a better workplace can come in a box - air purifier for office desk

by:Yovog     2020-03-07
\'88 finishing touches : a better workplace can come in a box  -  air purifier for office desk
At Mega-
The Beverly Hills think tank, which aims to create future offices while improving the current workplace, er ge, founder Lawrence Lerner and Steve dieskin, reported on progress in both areas.
"We have released two more aviation patents --
Our hottest product-licensing negotiations for Microsystems, "said Lerner, a pioneer in international office design.
"Our inventory is growing.
He made up Mega with Diskin-
In 1986, after investigating the changing world of office design, it was found that too many "sick buildings" with unhealthy air and insufficient light, more and more white buildings
White-collar workers have muscle dysfunction and eye fatigue due to sitting diseases
Install a computer workplace. Mega-
For ergonomic rescue, ERG provides an atmosphere of an ivory tower in which the product can be designed directly for workersuser.
They came up with ideas like a retractable "office tent" that provides privacy in a workspace, and a personalized cable tower to organize a maze of desktops --
Technical cables and wires.
The two new patents should remove the air from the office, large and small, Diskin said.
One is the "small table environment machine", which is especially suitable for "stragglers who are still smoking" and can be installed on a table or compartment for free on the desktop.
Second, larger overhead air purifiers are also lightweight for conference rooms or large open offices.
"The typical unit to do this is a huge box," Diskin said . ".
Their new micro system is a "furniture system in a box ".
"A plastic panel system can be broken and stacked together to form file cabinets, shelves, working faces and shells," said Diskin.
"These four projects summarize all the structure and space requirements of the office.
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