8 Mistakes You're Probably Making When You Brush Your Teeth - electric toothbrush with timer

by:Yovog     2021-12-15
8 Mistakes You\'re Probably Making When You Brush Your Teeth  -  electric toothbrush with timer
Amanda shuparker is beautiful for you.
ComIt is not a news hot spot. one of the most important reasons for brushing your teeth is to eliminate tooth decay (
Let alone prevent bad tone).
But what if the way you brush your teeth actually makes you more prone to tooth decay, tooth decay, and gum disease? Scary.
It turns out that many of us make a lot of common mistakes sooner or later that damage our teeth and make a healthy smile better --down.
Find out what you did wrong. -
How to break these bad habits for better teeth.
You don't brush long enough.
Michael Rench, an oral rehabilitation expert, pointed out that most people don't have enough time to brush their teeth.
Most dentists recommend brushing their teeth for two or three minutes, but few can do that.
Next time, check your watch to see how long it will take for your daily life.
Chances are, whether you're rushing to work or getting ready to go to bed, you're only brushing for a minute or so.
To take a distance, bring an egg timer to the bathroom before you start, set it up for two or three minutes, or use an electric toothbrush for two-minute timer.
You're not looking at what you're doing.
When you brush your teeth, be sure to look in the mirror and see where the brush is going.
It's easy to miss the area of the gum line, which is the most important part.
Plaque, tartar and bacteria build up there, causing inflammation and infection of the gums (aka gingivitis).
Also pay close attention to the molars teeth behind.
If the brush heads run into your cheeks before you approach them, you may miss them altogether.
Reward: A better focus on your teeth increases the likelihood that you notice if there is a problem, such as debris, cracks, or areas where upper and lower teeth may wear each other.
Wear may be a sign of TMJ problems, grip, or sleep apnea.
Mention any unusual observations at the next dentist appointment.
Your technology needs to be transformed.
Enamel is made of tightly packed glass
Like a rod that extends to the surface of the tooth.
When brushing the edge-to-
On the side, these brittle rods break, causing cracks and weakening of teeth.
Lenchner compared it to cutting down a tree.
Remember: teeth are not trees.
Hold the brush to keep the bristles at 45-
The angle in the small circle with the surface of the tooth and brush.
Focus on a few teeth at a time, then move to the next group, from one side to the other, from top to bottom, both front and back continue.
It is OK to brush a straight line on the chewing surface.
After completing your circle, brush loose patches and bacteria off the gum line.
You brushed your teeth too hard.
When you brush too hard, the possibility of enamel breakage is greater.
If you have a tendency to bite or grind, the risk will be higher.
These habits, coupled with lateral hard brushing, cause a gap near the gum line, called abfraction damage.
With continuous pressure, they can deepen to the internal tooth essence and the bone layer of the tooth.
More importantly, positive brushing can cause trauma to sensitive gums, leading to irritation and recession.
You used the wrong brush.
Be sure to buy a soft or super soft brush to minimize damage.
But Lenchner warned that even soft
If used improperly, a hairy toothbrush can cause scratches. "[E]
"If the lakefront toothbrush can help you brush longer and get you to the right place, they are great tools," he said . ".
If your dentist gives you a special brush to clean the implant or crown, use it only as instructed so that you do not destroy the normal growth of the gums.
Although your toothbrush sounds terrible, it may be a real paradise for bacteria, including S. strep and S.
You should change your toothbrush every three months. -
Faster if the bristles look worn, worn and bent.
As time goes on, the bristle will be damaged, just like the fork in your hair, and the bacteria will stay in these tiny tears.
Minimize reproductive daysto-
Grow during the day and rinse the brush with hot water after use to make it completely dry.
Your toothpaste is wrong.
Baking soda toothpaste is good at removing stains because they are abrasive-
But it also means that they are difficult for enamel. It's a trade-
It may not be worth it.
As for whitening toothpaste, Lenchner says they won't hurt your teeth as far as he knows.
You failed on the Floss.
Dental floss will reach your teeth where the toothbrush is not in contact.
A cavity is most often formed on the surface of the two teeth.
Bacteria will get stuck there, take sugar from food particles, colonize and produce chemicals that will eat the enamel and enter the soft layer of the tooth below.
This will eventually lead to tooth decay.
In other words, dental floss is not optional, although it may be annoying ---
This is the best way to keep these cavities
Create colonies in the Bay.
Start with a whole dental floss and rotate the end around the middle finger of each hand.
Use your thumb and index finger to gently floss between the two teeth, be careful not to pull the floss rudely or to see the floss back and forth, both of which will hurt the gums.
Wrap the floss around a tooth and wipe it up and down to loosen and remove the plaque.
Then do the same thing on the next tooth and repeat it.
Lenchner points out that once you have the right dental floss technology, you don't have to stand by the sink.
You can try to floss your teeth in front of the TV to make it feel less troublesome.
You don't rinse later.
Effective brushing and cleaning to separate bacteria
The surface of the teeth is covered with plaque.
Washing afterwards is a key step in ensuring that bacteria leave the mouth forever.
A poem with germ
Killing, drinking
Free mouthwash or rinse with fluorine to strengthen and strengthen the enamel to prevent tooth decay.
If you don't have mouthwash, rinse your mouth. and-
Spitting with water is better than nothing.
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