6 Cool Things I Learned At Dreamforce13: New Tools To Accelerate Your Sales and Improve Customer Service - children's electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2021-12-29
6 Cool Things I Learned At Dreamforce13: New Tools To Accelerate Your Sales and Improve Customer Service  -  children\'s electric toothbrush
As a sales and marketing professional, I think it is mandatory to participate in the annual sales staff.
Com show, Dreamforce held every year in San Francisco.
Com has long been at the forefront of sales, marketing, and service conversations, and every year dreampower offers its first showcase of new products and their future roadmap.
This year, 135,000 like-minded people have come together to find the latest and greatest tools to accelerate their revenue and increase customer satisfaction.
Several highlights: 1.
The Salesforce.
Com Foundation
The coolest thing I 've seen in Dreamforce so far is to learn more about the great work that sales people are doing.
Com Foundation I don't know.
Great companies have higher goals than just pursuing profits, and the meeting started with Marc Benioff, highlighting his firm belief in the company's obligation to give back. Salesforce.
Com donated 1% of its shares, the time of its employees and the company's products to charity.
Over the past few years, the company has donated $100 million for the construction of a new children's hospital, providing products and expertise for rescue efforts in Haiti, and donated $2.
7 million from San Francisco Middle School.
Since its inception, the Salesforce Foundation has donated more than $53 million in grants and 525,000 volunteer hours. 2.
Everything and everyone will be online-Dreamforce marks the launch of sales forc1, a new tool set that allows organizations to easily take advantage of the 3rd wave of computer revolution that is on the rise. Salesforce.
Com made it clear that in the near future, all electronic devices (
Including the Phillips electric toothbrush from Marc Benioff)
The next generation of marketers need to enable their customers to interact with them directly from their devices
Surf the Internet or call the company like today. Companies (
Apparently Mark's dentist.
There will be more information on how their products operate and use, which will provide marketers with an unprecedented opportunity to build a true 1-to-1 relationship with their customers, and provide an unprecedented level of customer service.
The highlight is a demonstration of how the connected medical device generates help messages to the central call center, the problem is diagnosed, the technician is positioned and dispatched (
Done with Google glasses, show the call center what he sees)
The problem was solved in a few minutes.
Companies that use these tools to deliver unparalleled services in front of their competitors will be the winners of the next business wave. 3.
The exploration of big data and predictive analytics has finally arrived to help ranking and document sales identify and target prospects more effectively.
The best thing you can do is buy a list of SIC code-driven to roughly segment your customers and identify potential suspects who may be interested in your product has passed.
By searching the web for detailed company and product profiles, press releases, public documents, social media interactions, work changes, and more.
Companies like Mintigo and Lattice are now using the power of big data to quickly split your customer files and provide greater accuracy and granularity for customer segmentation and buying behavior.
Ultimately, they can serve prospects that are not only very qualified, but are actively looking for potential solutions that have the best chance of closing. 4.
Integrated sales staff.
Sales staff in the past year.
Com purchased Pardot, providing the company and even individual sales staff on the sales platform.
Third-party products such as Marketo or Eloqua.
By managing all customer outreach activities directly within the sales staff, the sales staff can create their own outreach activities, marketers can learn how potential customers interact with the company in real time through Web access, email opening, and more.
Respond more quickly and efficiently. 5.
Call center solution on Salesforce.
Com is finally ready for prime time-as a former call center manager, I 've been confused about the lack of a truly integrated and robust call center solution for sales people.
To be frank, 20 years ago, I saw a stronger solution at Telemagic that was easier to get than the sales staff. com platform. Insidesales.
Com, Newvoicemedia.
Com and Liveops.
Com has demonstrated a robust call center solution that covers all the basics of achieving seamless phone integration and allowing sales people to use.
Manage and track inbound and outbound activities.
Forecast and progressive dialing, screen pop-up, automatic voice mail delivery, smart call routing, call center analysis-all there.
A seemingly small but important feature I think is the ability to create a "local presence" by having outgoing calls ring like they do from a local area code. Insidesales.
Com claims it will increase the contact rate by 35%.
LiveOps also has a BPO department if you want to outsource your call center. 6.
Surveys you can actually use-most customer satisfaction and net promoter score surveys are still conducted by third parties or using tools like SurveyMonkey.
The problem with this approach is that, in addition to the summary report, the ratings of individual customers are generally not reported or saved in the database, which can be used to drive improvement plans for specific customers, and assess the progress made over time.
Enter the click tool.
Com-an easy-to-use tool that allows you to easily take advantage of the Salesforce database for field surveys where results are returned directly to a single customer record in Salesforce. Happy selling.
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