5 Products That Prevent Cavities - electric toothbrush for adults

by:Yovog     2022-03-06
5 Products That Prevent Cavities  -  electric toothbrush for adults
1 applying a sealant on the top or bite surface of your back teeth is a great way to control tooth decay in children and adults.
The sealant is an acrylic coating applied by the dentist to the top of the tooth.
Sealing materials penetrate into all corners and gaps, creating a barrier to protect teeth from enamel contamination --eating plaque.
For children who have just grown permanent molars teeth and adults who do not show signs of decay, it is recommended to use a sealant.
The process is simple.
The dentist applied the sealant after cleaning the teeth.
Shield formed in a minute [
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
For $25 to $45 per tooth, the sealing material is cost effective.
They can hold on for 10 years.
Keep in mind that the dentist only applies the sealant to the top of the teeth to expose the rest of the teeth to bacteria.
In addition, some sealant will release double phenol (BPA)
This is an industrial chemical that is used to produce some plastic that can change the effects of hormones in your body and cause a lot of problems-
Including child behavior issues
So when you buy [the key is to do your research]
Source: Smarta health.
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