4,000 AQ monitors needed - best air purifier 2016

by:Yovog     2020-09-13
4,000 AQ monitors needed  -  best air purifier 2016
In addition to satellite data, the scientific input into studying Indian pollution sources is that the air pollution problem in southern India will soon reach its annual peak with the upcoming Diwali celebrations.
That would cause 2018 Nobel Prize winners to worry because emerging economies like India don't seem to pay enough attention to the research he wrote in 1993 on dynamic integrated climate economic models.
In fact, Nordhouse and his colleagues
The authors of 2011 also presented how to explain environmental pollution in national accounts, showing how air pollution emissions cause greater damage to the economy rather than benefits.
But in India, have we done enough to understand the amount and source of air pollution, how they spread, and what damage they caused, and people are not sure, let's discuss the amount of this problem first.
India is 15 of the world's 20 most polluted cities.
New Delhi is the most polluted capital in the world with a population of more than 20 million.
Satellite data show all India-
There is some of the worst air (in PM2.
5) breathing.
At the same time, there is little scientific evidence to review these sources.
All we rely on is some emerging satellite data (researchers such as Sagnik Dutta from IITD) and a handful of ground-based high-quality air quality (AQ) monitoring networks;
The gap is obvious.
According to a recent study by Sarath Guttikunda and his colleagues, India needs 4,000 continuous AQ monitors, compared with about 134 currently deployed.
This is a tragedy because air pollution has killed about six people worldwide.
5 million people are now the fourth biggest threat to human health.
In China, air pollution can not only lead to cardiovascular disease, but also affect mental health, investor activity, and even family immigration decisions.
This phenomenon may even spread to the formation of the industry.
During these festivals, search for air pollution at Amazon and note the large volume of air pollution masks and air purifiers advertised sold by various companies for up to £ 10.
Related, fast search on www. zauba.
Com, the website that provides import and export data, said that during the period from February 2013 to November 2016, air purifier-related products imported to India exceeded US $28 million.
China appears to be a major supplier in the field, with imports totaling $17 million (over ).
However, air purification products are only the consumer's response to the demand for clean air.
Whenever there is such an external factor, economists want to understand the cost of these external factors and how much ordinary citizens are willing to pay to mitigate them.
This helps policy makers punish polluters or motivate the market to reduce pollution.
As research by Ito Ichiro and Zhang Shuang found, this seems to be high in China.
Ordinary people in China are willing to pay $5.
46 to remove one microgram of pollution per cubic meter of air, high-income people can pay $15.
While Chinese entrepreneurs have taken advantage of this opportunity, even if air purification is an imperfect and passive solution, domestic Indian entrepreneurs seem to be lagging behind.
IIT madras's smart air purifier Vistar should currently have half of the current market price, but it's unclear if it can beat its competitors.
At the same time, other studies have shown that perhaps the answer to this question is more than just public policy, such as in regulating the use of Metropolitan cars (in Milan, Italy, as Matthew Gibson and Maria Canoville have shown, air pollution seems to be significantly reduced as road pricing and car usage decreases), but are also looking to address this
Of the last 2018 papers, scientists at Harvard University
The authors show that since at least 1980 s, northwestern India has turned to a joint harvest of agricultural mechanization to improve efficiency, which has resulted in a large crop residue in the field, and therefore, burning these residues can be attributed to increased air emissions from pm2. 5 in Delhi, between 7 and 78.
Five levels for the period 2012 to 2016.
In 2016, the Institute for Energy Policy, which perceived the prior University of Chicago's Delhi office, launched an innovative challenge, A nominated solution involves burning crops and a greener, more sustainable approach to the treatment of soil in northwestern India.
As a follow-up, it seems that the central government has also begun to deal with the seasonal burning of crop residues.
But it remains to be seen whether the government-designed mechanism for carrots and sticks has found adopters in Punjab.
Nevertheless, in the absence of direct measures to reduce traffic congestion, reduce building dust, rampant waste incineration and raise awareness of building pollution, environmental pollution will not be reduced much in general.
Meanwhile, Delhi and northern India are continuing.
Data from the authors of the all-India organization of chemists and pharmaceutical scientists, which tracks pan-
Private pharmaceutical sales in India show only one in Delhi
Small percentage of 41
Between 2007 and 2013, asthma drugs were sold in three major cities, including Mumbai and Kolkata.
During this period, the average monthly sales of such drugs in Delhi were approximately Rs 0. 159 billion, and the figure soared to an average of RS 0. 2 billion in December and January.
Perhaps consumers of air pollution, Indian citizens and markets now need to find answers to taxes or prices for air pollution.
Nordhouse will nod and agree.
He also advocated additional support from the government.
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