14 ways you're being ripped off at the airport - air purification

by:Yovog     2020-08-10
14 ways you\'re being ripped off at the airport  -  air purification
A new survey shows parking at the airport
The British cost £ 53 per hour, and London Luton Airport is the worst criminal.
Of course, this is not the only eye. watering levy.
If you are leaving for your holiday soon, try to empty your wallet at the airport. . .
If you are in a hurry to go to London airport, look forward to paying by nose. With on-the-
The one-day fare from Paddington is £ 22 in economy and the Heathrow Express is £ 22-for-
Pound, the most expensive in Britain
Ground rail travel to enter for nearly 1 pound. 50 per mile.
The return trip costs £ 36-a little cheaper, but still more than £ 1 per mile for 15 miles.
London Victoria's Gatwick Express is almost as expensive, especially given that the first capital connection and Southern services of the London Bridge actually arrive at the airport in a shorter period of time, and the cost is half the cost of the airport.
Special mention must go to so-
It is called "Stansted Express ". The service (
Liverpool Street (London)
It's the only train to Stansted.
Calling "express" would suggest an alternative and slower service.
It's not the Stansted Express, it's just the "train to Stansted ".
To avoid these tears
Instead of taking the train, you decide to take the train.
But a few years ago, it was found that parking at many airports in the UK was more expensive than parking.
The most expensive is Heathrow, which costs up to 51. 24 hours 80
To get your relatives off at the airport, you may cost £ 53 per hour.
A 2014 study found that of the 24 airports in the UK, only 6 allowed drivers to drop off directly in front of the main terminal for free. 2 Luton fee
Park outside the main terminal for up to 10 minutes.
The driver who stays for 15 minutes must pay 3. 50 (
There was no long farewell at that time
Rose to 9 in 30 minutes.
If you stay for more than 30 minutes, you will have to pay £ 1 per minute, with no maximum charge. Ouch.
A fine of £ 50 for more than 10 people
Minute time allowance in Stansted, London.
In 2014 Skyscanner reveals how UK airports are lagging behind European airports in providing free Wi-FiFi.
None of Britain's six busiest airports-Heathrow, Gatwick, Manchester, Stansted, Edinburgh and Luton-were found to offer unlimited free Internet access
By contrast, almost half (24)
Of the 50 busiest airports in Europe, including Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Dublin, Frankfurt, Islamabad, Munich, Paris Charles de Gaulle, Prague and Rome.
Things have improved slightly since then: Heathrow started offering unlimited free services last year.
But in Edinburgh, you only need two hours before the charge, 90 minutes at Gatwick, an hour at Stansted and Manchester, and 30 minutes at Luton.
As early as 2011, Belfast International Airport charged 1 for passengers wishing to enter the specialized smoking area, which angered those who needed to smoke early.
Flying cigarettes.
They still charge for entry.
Next time you go to Luton Airport, remember to pack a clear plastic bag for your toiletries.
Although almost all other airports provide free service to passengers, it still insists on charging passengers 1 in order to get 2 from the vending machine at security check.
The liquid rule also means that passengers must purchase water and other drinks after passing through security (
Despite the phone calls from members of parliament, there are very few airports that install water dispensers, which are difficult to find at those airports where water dispensers are installed).
The price of mineral water is really amazing, and a US retailer recently plans to charge $5 (£3. 20)
12 ounces (340ml)bottle.
Food is also expensive.
This is another way for retailers to cash in after 9/11 more airport security.
These small toiletries may exceed 100 ml liquid regulations, but they are very low in price.
The price comparison website Travelsupermarket a few years ago.
Discover travel-
The price of toiletries rose by 750.
For example, a pigeon with 150 ml cans
It has been found that it takes only 1 pound to get antisweat on the street, but 35 ml for the trip --
The size version costs 1.
Purchased £ 99 from WHSmith's airport branch-around 750 per milliliter.
The research of the post office in 2014 found that 1.
Despite the notoriously bad exchange rate, the British insist on buying holiday currency at the airport every year.
Average loss of £ 12 per person. 56 by doing so.
Buy your foreign currency in advance!
When you arrive at the airport, those expensive baggage charges are not over.
Things will become more expensive if your box exceeds the weight limit.
For example, Ryanair charges £ 10 per kilogram for baggage exceeding its maximum limit (
15 kg or 20 kg depending on what you choose when booking).
British Airways and Virgin Atlantic are charged a flat fee of £ 65 for more than 23 kg of all luggage.
Forgot the boarding pass?
Ryanair will print that paper for you at the airport for £ 15.
Air passenger duty (APD)
For children aged 15 and under, the government has finally canceled, but the government still charges adults for each of their overseas flights.
For those flying to Europe and some North African countries, the speed of avalanche current is currently £ 13 per person.
For those flying further down the road, each jumps to £ 73.
Those traveling in luxury economy class, business class and first class must pay double.
No country in Europe will charge passengers so much because of the privilege of boarding passengers.
In addition to landing, safety and ground handling fees, Norwich airport has imposed a "airport development fee" of £ 10 per passenger since 2007 "(
Paid by the airline but passed on to passengers).
There are similar charges for Blackpool, Newquay and Durham Tez Valley.
There are 29 at Heathrow Airport.
59 passengers traveling to European destinations are subject to a "passenger service fee ".
"These airports seem to think that whenever they feel short of money, they have the right to put their hands in our pockets," said Nick Trend . ", When the charges were announced on 2013, The Daily Telegraph's Consumer Editor.
This strange phenomenon is aimed at passengers from Venezuela's maiquitiya International Airport, which announced on 2014 that all passengers must pay 127 boliwa (£12)
Taxes on departure to pay new fees
Air purification system is installed.
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