13 ways to reduce indoor air pollution - best air purifier for pollution

by:Yovog     2020-11-26
13 ways to reduce indoor air pollution  -  best air purifier for pollution
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Pollutants can be introduced into your air in many ways.
Some are carried in the breeze;
Some of them you brought in without knowing it.
Dr. Elliot Horner said: "We have a lot of things in our house to wear our clothes, including pollen and cat allergens . "D.
Chief Environmental Scientist (UL (
Laboratory of underwriters.
Other contaminants come from inside the home, such as when you touch your dog, release the dandruff into the air, or burn a piece of toast and then drain the smoke into the kitchen.
Horner says it's hard to avoid indoor air pollution in your home.
In order to remove impurities, you need to make a few lines of attacks.
Following the list below will help you minimize indoor air pollution so that portable air purifiers don't have to work that hard if you even need. 1.
Opening the window to fully ventilate is the key to promoting indoor air Health, opening the window (
Of course, when the weather is not too cold or the amount of pollen is not too high)
It is an easy way to encourage good communication between indoor and outdoor air. 2.
No smoking is "absolutely no smoking", says Norman Edelman ". D.
Senior Scientific Advisor to the American Lung Association.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, secondhand smoke harms the health of the respiratory system and causes about 3,000 non-smokers to die from lung cancer each year. 3.
If you have pets, bathe Fido, bathe them and wash their bedding regularly to reduce allergies --causing dander.
We don't want to tell you about it, but you should also put them outside the bedroom. 4.
Use exhaust fans to run fans in the kitchen (
Remove cooking fume)and bathroom (removes steam)
Vent outside
Also make sure your dryer is ventilated outside to minimize lint.
In order to reduce the amount of pollen in the air for a few days, the window cannot be opened, and the window air conditioner is run on the fan settings with a clean filter. 5.
The use of door pads when wiping shoes can reduce the amount of pollutants brought into the room.
Better yet, build a shoeoff policy.
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