air cleaner helps asthmatic kids living with smokers
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)- A new study found that indoor air purifiers can help children with asthma breathe more easily. These devices cannot be cured. All people and parents of children with asthma should try to smoke The researchers stressed freedom. But if this has not yet become a reality, air purifiers may mitigate the adverse effects of secondhand smoke, they say. The study investigated the effects of 115 internal-medium HEPA air purifiers Children in Baltimore have asthma and live with smokers. The researchers gave one. The third family provides air purifiers for their living room and air purifiers for the children\'s bedroom. Another nurse received equipment and education courses on the dangers of second-hand smoke. The last group is the \"control group\" and the home will receive an air purifier after the study is over. The study found that the children were in the air for more than six months. According to the survey of parents, the cleaning group showed improvement in breathing, cough and other symptoms. This benefit will translate into 33 additional symptoms Researchers estimate the number of free days per year. \"In fact, they have no symptoms for another month. \"It\'s important,\" said lead researcher Arlene M . \" Butz is an asthma specialist at the Johns Hopkins Children\'s Center in Baltimore. However, she told Reuters that air purifiers cannot replace smoke. free home. Her study found that while HEPA detergent does reduce the amount of particles in the air in the home, it does not bring them air quality in smoke --free home. \"You want to eliminate the source of smoke,\" said boutz . \". \"When a child has asthma, there should be no smokers at home. \"With the use of air filters, there is no change in the nicotine content in the home air and the nicotine breakdown products in the urine of children. Parents are better off smoking. But according to boutz, they should limit all smoking outside the home before this happens. The problem of indoor air quality is particularly important for indoor air quality. Urban children, says boutz. Not only do they have higher rates of asthma than the rest of the United StatesS. But they also have a lot of exposure to second-hand smoke. The study found that between 40% and 2-Thirty inside Urban children with asthma live with smokers, boutz noted. Another problem internally The city is where many families live in apartment buildings, and even if parents ban smoking at home, their next The neighbor of the door may light up. \"We know, in more There was smoke in other rooms, \"said Butz. Therefore, she suggested that even in Smoking apartment. \'If the family can afford it, \'says boutz. One living area, one children\'s bedroom-would be best. Prices of HEPA equipment are different; According to Butz, the cost used in this study was between $100 and $150. Then the cost of replacing the filter and the energy of running the machine It can consume about as much power as a standard bulb. The study was funded by the federal fund and Johns Hopkins University. The researchers did not report any conflicts of economic interest. SOURCE: bit. Ly/rmZIW5 Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, August 2011.